- Free live-stream Qigong classes!
- Start dates and times for in-person beginner courses
- Ongoing classes for current and returning students
- Private lessons
- Weekly/Monthly Calendar
For any inquiries, to register and pay for a course online, or to stay informed of schedule updates, please click on this contact link to send us an email with your request. You may also reach us by phone at 212-502-4112.
For a more detailed description of our full curriculum, visit our curriculum page.
Roots & Branches Qigong™
Our Qigong is highly recommended for all levels from brand new students to experienced practitioners, these classes teach the essence of tai chi through basic tai chi principles of relaxed movement, balance, and energy flow in an accessible format that does not require memorizing a long series of postures.
Our QiGong, Roots & Branches 5 Element QiGong™, is based on the Cheng Man Ch’ing Style T’ai Chi form – also known as Yang Style short form – and is unique in the world of qigong.
Click HERE to register for one of our free live-stream Qigong classes meeting on Saturdays 12 – 1 pm, ET!
Click HERE for more live-stream classes offered by the Tai Chi Foundation, including free live-stream Qigong classes.
For more Qigong live-stream options, visit this page, on the Tai Chi Foundation website and scroll down to find the link for Qigong classes.
Testimonial for our Sunday qigong class: “This is just to thank you and Greg for such an enlightening and enjoyable class. Every Sunday I appreciate more how Greg simplifies (instead of complicating) basic tai chi principles and helps us to understand, enact and practice them. Through his class, I am learning for the first time how to actually relax and feel what’s happening, things I’ve been told to do from my first class, but have only begun to experience through Greg’s classes. Basic tai chi principles remain the same, but every week Greg puts them in a different light, revealing another facet of the diamond that is tai chi. Thanks again.” – Bill
For current and returning students
We offer a range of live-streamed T’ai Chi classes at different levels. All of our offerings are listed on our Weekly/Monthly Calendar.
Use this contact link, or call us at 212-502-4112, to request more information or for help finding the most appropriate classes for your level of study.
Private lessons
Private lessons with senior teachers are available via Zoom or in person.
NYSTCC has set a price of $80 for a 45-minute live-stream Zoom session with one of our senior teachers. The base fee for in-person sessions normally starts at $100 per hour and may vary depending on the instructor and location. If you would like to set up a session or discuss how this might work for you, please call us at 212-502-4112 or use our contact link to let us know how to reach you, and that you would like to set up a session with one of our senior teachers.

Beginner courses
Our beginner tai chi courses are sequential – we accept new students within the first three sessions. If you are new to studying with us, you are invited to be our guest for your first class – pay only if you decide to continue with us! For information on course structure and tuition costs, visit this page.
If you are ready to start your tai chi journey with us, choose a B1 class to learn the 1st third of the tai chi form or one of our supporting classes, Qigong or Cultivating Balance.
Our next classes start this spring in Midtown and Washington Heights. We expect to offer more Beginning level classes in various locations this fall.
Ripley-Grier Studios, 520 8th Avenue, 16th floor
between 36th and 37th streets
B1 (beginning level, 1st third of the form)
Thursdays, 7:30-8:30 pm
12 sessions, starting March 20th
Upper West Side
All Angels’ Episcopal Church, 251 West 80th Street
Between Broadway and West End Avenue
Our next UWS classes start this Fall. If you would like to *repeat* a class on the UWS, see our calendar below for current classes meeting on Mondays at 10 am, 6:15 pm, and 7:30 pm.
Washington Heights
Our Saviour’s Atonement Lutheran Church
178 Bennett Ave, New York, NY 10040.
Classes are held downstairs in the basement gym.
B2 (beginning level, 2nd third of the form)
Saturdays, 9-10 am
12 sessions, starting Feb 8th
B1 (beginning level, 2nd third of the form)
Weekday, 9-10 am
12 sessions, starting this spring (contact us for more info)
Upstate: Chatham, NY
B1 Thursdays, 12:30-1:30 pm, starting Jan 16th
B2 Wednesdays, 1:00-2:00 pm, starting Jan 15th
B3 Wednesdays, 2:15-3:15 pm, starting Jan 15th
FOR MORE INFO OR TO REGISTER for any of the classes listed above, or any class you are looking for, please call 212-502-4112 or Click Here to fill out the linked contact form to let us know what class and location you are inquiring about.
For returning students ready for
more advanced classes:
Find your class listed on our Weekly/Monthly Calendar.
Weekly/Monthly Calendar:
(click on the class for more info)